His last wishes ... In his cell are expected to be executed for a few hours, required a last wish a letter of pen because employees wrote a few minutes, the guard said please give this letter to my mother ... In it he wrote: .... . Mama, I believe that if there were more justice in this world, you will need to be executed together with me. . You are as guilty as I am for my life to scurvy! Remember mama when I stole his bike with him for helping to erase from my father was not to know it .to remember mama, when I stole the money from komshies .The portfolio with me on the mall and now spend the money together. You remember mama, when you can follow from home dad ,, because speaking for better .. Μami, I was just a child and later was a teenager and now a grown man! I was just an innocent child that I need advice, why not shouting that I was wrong and I want to forgive .to say the entire [parents of the world, they are the only ones responsible for creating a killer man, or an honest man . To thank mum was with and life and also to thank you for helping me lose .Firma ... Your son criminal!

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